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[Luckyfursuit]Furryfandom,What should we do to prepare before attending the furmeet

[Luckyfursuit]Furryfandom,What should we do to prepare before attending the furmeet

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1). Outfit Carrying Items Checklist

1.Suitcase: Used to carry the fursuit and other essential items. The size depends on the fursuit. For a typically filled bear fursuit, 28 inches is sufficient, while for canines and felines, around 30 inches is suitable. If it's a Western dragon with a large tail or wings, you can choose a 32-inch suitcase. Note: If you're flying to attend a furry convention elsewhere, be aware that suitcases over 32 inches cannot be checked in. To ensure the fursuit's safety, it's best to choose an aluminum alloy suitcase.

2.Vacuum bags and pump: Used to compress and fill pillows. Be careful not to compress too tightly. After compressing, it's convenient to put them in the suitcase to save space. Choose larger bags and an electric vacuum pump to save effort and time.

3.Handbag: Used to carry the fursuit head. Choose a larger size to accommodate the head, hand paws, and foot paws. An alternative can be a canvas tote bag. For nearby outings, you can use a canvas drawstring bag for the head.

4.Backpack: Used to carry some personal items for the outing.

5.Gear for wearing the fursuit: Includes bodysuit, head, gloves, anti-fog spray, fan, disinfectant spray, and comb.

6.Cooling spray / menthol oil: Refreshes and reduces discomfort caused by overheating. However, it's a "placebo," meaning it doesn't physically lower body temperature and cannot replace a fan for cooling.

7.Towel / tissue: Used to wipe away sweat.

8.Drinking water: For timely hydration.

9.Plastic bags: Prepare several bags to store the worn bodysuit, dirty foot paws, and dragging tail after the outing.

10.Fursuit badge: Used to indicate identity and facilitate networking. It can be around 15 cm in size and have a QR code printed on the back. Materials can be hard acrylic or paper with plastic lamination.

11.Business cards: Used for networking and exchanging contacts. PVC material is recommended.

12.Keychains, pins, and other small gifts.

13.Needle, thread, and hot glue gun: For emergency repairs if any accidents occur with the fursuit on-site.

14.Other accessories for the fursuit, such as hats, scarves, capes, collars, bands, T-shirts, vests, earrings, necklaces, glasses, bells, shorts, skirts, slippers, and backpacks.

However, these items are not enough. For furry outings, it's also necessary to have a companion. This role is crucial and is the most reliable and dependable person for you during outdoor outings.

2). The Significance of Accompaniment:

Because of the outfitting reasons, the individual wearing the costume experiences full-body heat, inconvenience in movement, and obstruction of hearing and sight. Therefore, there is a constant need for someone dedicated to assisting, responsible for explaining communication, conveying information, and taking care of accompanying, ensuring that the outfitting process goes smoothly.

Three, Prerequisites for Accompaniment:

  1. Enjoyment of fursuits;
  2. Abundant physical strength;
  3. Good psychological resilience;
  4. Keen observation skills, meticulousness, and patience;
  5. Some level of communication, coordination, and adaptability.

Four, Basic Requirements for Accompaniment:

(I) Exhibition, Open Venue Gatherings:

  1. Assist the person wearing the fursuit in changing outfits, such as delivering clothing, securing the fursuit, adjusting padding, etc.;
  2. Store luggage on behalf of the person wearing the fursuit, and if there is no storage area, help carry the suitcase;
  3. Move together with the person wearing the fursuit, and if there is a need to temporarily leave, communicate in advance;
  4. Observe the layout and crowd flow of the venue, guide the person wearing the fursuit to avoid stumbling, bumping, or getting dirty, and use gestures in noisy areas;
  5. Observe the environment around the fursuit, timely avoid crowds, and if unavoidable, protect key areas such as the head, tail, wings, and other small accessories to prevent others from handling, tearing, colliding, or touching sensitive parts;
  6. Pay attention to suspicious individuals, as some may have malicious intentions to damage the fursuit;
  7. Warn children in advance and try to keep a distance. If unavoidable, put aside other tasks, protect the key parts of the fursuit, explain to the child and guardian, avoid direct conflict or offensive language, the person wearing the fursuit should also stop interaction, express discomfort and helplessness, and seek assistance from others on the scene if necessary;
  8. Always pay attention to the appearance of the fursuit, remind them to tidy up or help groom when necessary, and alert them if there are any visible issues;
  9. Due to the obstructed vision of the person wearing the fursuit, remind them to interact with others and respond to photo requests promptly;
  10. If someone offers food on-site, express gratitude on behalf of the person wearing the fursuit, or politely decline if necessary;
  11. If someone requests an interaction or photo, accept or decline based on the situation;
  12. Continuously monitor the condition of the person wearing the fursuit. If they become overheated, provide water and fan to help them cool down (every 15-20 minutes), if fatigued, guide them to the rest area, assist in removing the head or fursuit, and if there is a heatstroke situation, contact the on-site staff as soon as possible;
  13. If the companion needs to use the restroom, guide the person wearing the fursuit to the nearest unoccupied area and seek help from others temporarily;
  14. Accompaniment does not entail the obligation to photograph the person wearing the fursuit. If there are photographers on-site, obtain their contact information;
  15. Assist the person wearing the fursuit in removing the outfit and tidying up clothing.

3).  Indoor Parties

      (I) The contents mentioned apply to indoor private parties. Please use your discretion, but pay attention to the following points:

  1. Ensure there are no sharp objects indoors. Place them properly or remove them to prevent damaging the fursuit.
  2. Check if there are any issues with power strips, sockets, or the presence of lighters, matches, or flammable items.

4).  Outdoor Photoshoots

      (I) The contents mentioned apply to outdoor photoshoots. Please use your discretion, but pay attention to the following points:

  1. Communicate in advance with the management and security personnel of the outdoor location to avoid any awkward situations.
  2. Pay attention to the outdoor weather. If the weather becomes abnormal, communicate effectively and promptly cease the photoshoot.
  3. Be mindful of traffic conditions at the outdoor location.
  4. Monitor the crowd at the outdoor location. If it becomes too conspicuous, promptly change the location.

Finally, adhere to the requests of the fursuiter.


5). Things Companions Should Not Do:

  1. Inappropriately looking down at smartphones.
  2. Being away from the fursuiter's sight for extended periods.
  3. Leaving abruptly without any notification or handover.
  4. Revealing the fursuiter's personal information to others at the event.
  5. Being uncooperative or complaining about the inconvenience of accompanying the fursuiter.

Accompanying can be quite challenging, so it's advised that those taking on this task do so with caution. Taking on this responsibility means: 1. Expending a lot of energy, potentially attracting hostility from outsiders due to protective behavior. 2. Having limited freedom of movement, unable to purchase desired items, watch desired shows, or meet desired people promptly. Therefore, it's essential not to take on this task reluctantly or half-heartedly because fursuiters have high expectations for their companions. The companion is the only person they can trust and rely on closely. If one is not genuinely interested but simply wants to be close to the fursuiter, it's better not to take on the accompanying task. Additionally, fursuiters should be understanding of the challenges faced by their companions. To ensure effective and high-quality companionship, it's recommended to provide material rewards and exclusive "benefits" to companions, or to hire a paid companion before the fursuit outing.


6). Regarding Interactions

(I) Guidelines for Fursuiters:

As someone wearing the fursuit, pay attention to the following:

  1. Let go of psychological burdens and embrace your true self, showcasing your lively, cute, or even naughty side.
  2. Interact with others at events, whether it's posing for photos, dancing, or engaging in other activities. Bring your character to life and avoid being too static.
  3. When interacting with others, be proactive but not overly so. Use body language to signal interest and wait for others to approach. If someone is unwilling or shy, don't force interaction.
  4. Avoid suddenly shouting or screaming, which may startle others.
  5. If filming outdoors, pay attention to traffic safety.

(II) Guidelines for Interactors:

If you're interacting with someone wearing a fursuit, pay attention to the following:

  1. Ensure your attire and hands are clean to avoid soiling the fursuit.
  2. Check for any sharp objects on your person to prevent scratching the fursuit.
  3. During interaction, ensure you remain within the fursuiter's field of vision and avoid actions that obstruct their view.
  4. Avoid hitting, tapping, or rubbing the fursuit's head, as it can cause discomfort.
  5. When touching, be gentle and stroke along the fur. Avoid using excessive force.
  6. Avoid dragging, stepping on, or squeezing the tail, as it may detach or deform. Instead, gently touch or lift it.
  7. When touching horns, rings, wings, or other parts, it's best to seek permission.
  8. Generally, petting is acceptable on the head, paws, shoulders, thighs, and tail.
  9. When touching sensitive areas like the chest or abdomen, always ask for permission, as the wearer's gender and internal structure may vary, leading to accidental touching of sensitive areas.
  10. Hugs are generally acceptable but avoid hugging from behind, as it may damage parts of the fursuit.
  11. Do not lift, carry piggyback, sit on, or ride on the fursuiter without their permission.
  12. Avoid knocking over, tripping, colliding with, or squeezing the fursuiter.
  13. Seek permission before taking photos and thank the fursuiter afterward.
  14. Do not film the process of changing into or out of the fursuit.
  15. Refrain from criticizing the fursuit or the person inside it.
  16. If there are multiple fursuiters, avoid making comparisons or judgments directly to their faces.


7). Post-Fursuiting Tasks

First, in a less crowded and safe area, assist the fursuiter in gradually removing the padding, taking off the fursuit, bodysuit, and headgear, and changing back into their regular clothes.

Second, wipe the sweat from inside the fursuit head, spray it with a disinfectant, and ventilate it with a fan. Turn the body and paws inside out, spray them with a disinfectant, and wipe the bottoms of the foot paws with a paper towel before spraying. Use a disinfectant spray on the padding as well.

Third, leave the fursuit and padding open for a period (10-20 minutes), then pack them back into the suitcase one by one. Use a vacuum pump to vacuum-seal the padding in compression bags and return them to their original state. Pack the foot paws separately in a bag to prevent soiling other parts.

Fourth, once back home, open the suitcase and remove the fursuit and padding. If time allows, lightly clean any dirty areas, but the most critical aspect is to ensure proper ventilation and drying, as odors are difficult to remove once they set in.

Fursuiters must cherish their fursuits and handle them properly, treating them as part of their body and not neglecting them.


8). Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How long should one stay in a fursuit?

It depends on individual physical condition, ranging from 1-2 hours to several hours. The key is to prioritize the fursuiter's well-being and avoid causing harm.

Question 2: How do fursuiters deal with bathroom breaks?

Actually, this isn't a significant issue. Firstly, the heat generated results in a lot of sweating, which expels a considerable amount of fluid from the body. There shouldn't be frequent bathroom breaks. Secondly, fursuiters can change out of their suits in less crowded areas and go to the nearest restroom, provided they are wearing undergarments and headgear.

Question 3: What about long tails dragging on the ground?

Before suiting up, prepare a belt and dust cover for the tail. If not available, one can hold or have their companion hold the tail during the outing. As long as it's not a wet or slippery surface, and precautions are taken to avoid stepping on the tail, it can be washed if it gets dirty. Safety is paramount.

Question 4: Can fursuits make noise?

It depends on how one perceives their character and themselves. If the character's voice matches the fursuiter's personality and image, speaking is acceptable. If it feels awkward, one can refrain from talking. Alternatively, they can use voice modulators or purchase sound generators to create animal sounds.